601 Chestnut Street
Kadoka, SD 57543
Call Us
(605) 837-2257

About the Kadoka Clinic
Philip Health Services’ satellite clinic in nearby Kadoka provides general health care to the Kadoka community. The Kadoka Clinic became part of Philip Health Services in 2000 and was extensively remodeled in 2006 to better serve patients. The Kadoka Clinic is staffed by a rotation of Philip Health Services medical staff.
A note on staffing
Philip Health Services makes every effort to staff a medical provider at the Kadoka Clinic four days per week. Occasionally, a provider may not be available at the Kadoka Clinic due to coverage requirements at the Philip Health Services Emergency Department.
In many cases, a clinic nurse at the Kadoka Clinic can assist you. Please call the Kadoka Clinic (605) 837-2257 to check provider availability or contact the Philip Clinic at (605) 859-2566 to schedule an appointment in Philip.